I am a Korean Canadian TCK (Third Culture Kid) and enjoy drawing from the cultural food scenes of each of the places I have lived to create wearables. As someone who has moved around from country to country my whole life, I believe my generation & community is moving away from having permanent walls to hang art on and are forming a universal language by displaying autobiographical art on our bodies in the form of wearables:


Earrings representing the food we enjoy, necklaces that encase places of belonging, crowns that speak to our childhood memories. 

Most of what I create speaks to this worldview; the Korean-street-food line is in response to the rising celebration of Korean street-food in the heart of Toronto and goes beyond something someone can consume to something someone can wear and culturally appreciate. The Paper-Mache Food line was created with pandemic reporting newspapers from Chicago, Montreal, and Toronto to represent foods that Torontonians were enjoying to experiment with during the pandemic via TikTok, for example, Avocado Toast, Red Onion Soup, and homemade bread: ingredients the Torontonian TikTok community was finding solace in during this confusing time.


The Story of the Sensitives